Does homework actually help students?
Author: Oliver Liu
# Introduction
Since 1987, educators around the world have conducted studies to answer a simple question: Does homework help or hinder a student's ability to learn? The answer has not to be solved until now. Some students spend a few hours a night doing what they see as busywork. They do not mind the workload, just taking the answers to write it. On the contrary, a few students think that homework is important for reviewing one's lesson, that is also the viewpoint of this paper. Someone who does complain about homework would come up with questions, I will explain its advantages below.
# S1
The term resilience has become popular and seen as important in today's world, often used as 'stress test' which describes how well a candidate can withstand a disruption or unforeseen situation. Therefore, cultivate students to be more resilient is also a part of education. Homework plays a critical role in preparing students to confront ever-more-complex tasks, develop resilience in the face of difficulty, and learn to embrace rather than shy away from challenges that are essential for a student who coping with the ups and downs of life and one of the key ingredients of success. Resilience is a key vehicle through which can help students step into society.
# S2
Equally important with remembering is to reinforce classroom content. "forgot something" is usually happens around us. A famous study on "forgetting textbook materials"(Bucks County Community College, 2017) compared the percentage of material remembered after different intervals of time. The paper shows that after 1 day just 54% was remembered the previous day learned. it is enough to indicate that knowledge needs to be repeatedly reviewed to remember it. However, homework is a powerful tool for that.
# S3
Besides, the exam entrance is crucial for students, it is related to one's career, opportunities, and the circle of friends. But many students complained that they have not touched a kind of question that appeared in one exam. In most cases, it is caused by students do not realize the weak point of knowledge. Fortunately, by doing homework, you can find that weak point. Just as mentioned by Anton Chekhov, "Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice."(Anton Chekhov, 1880). For this reason, practice is important for improving scores.
# Refutation
Admittedly, a pile of homework will bring some stress to students. "We're finding that teenagers are experiencing this cycle where they sacrifice their sleep to spend extra time on homework, which gives them more stress" (Mary Helen Rogers, 2018). But, we can stand in another way to analyze. If students do not have any homework to do, will they be going to sleep on time and relieve their stress? A survey(sciencedirect.com, 2017) showed that most of the students do homework overnight, But there was one large change after 2015; More owned smartphones. So this stress and late sleep would always happen. Moreover, during homework completion, students engage in self-regulation by motivating themselves, inhibiting distractions, using strategies to complete homework, managing time, setting goals, self-reflecting on their performance.
# Conclution
In short, doing homework is beneficial for students than nothing to do. Just like me that to do nothing at home after class, but these knowledge points and information eliminated from my brain in a few days. As if said by Jim Rohn, an American entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker, "Nothing is more powerful for your future than being a gatherer of good ideas and information. That's called doing your homework"(FaceBook, Sep 13, 2016). Besides, it teaches students about time management, how to organize their resources, and how to prioritize their after-school activities. There are always things they are going to want to do more than homework, but this is also an important life lesson.
# References:
- Jim Rohn From https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/homework.html?p=10
- Mary Helen Rogers From https://people.com/health/homework-biggest-cause-teen-stress
- forgetting textbook materials study From http://faculty.bucks.edu/specpop/memory.htm
- Survey sciencedirect.com From https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1389945717303507
- Anton Chekhov From https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/anton_chekhov_119058